Welcome to Alcoholics Anonymous in Costa Rica. We have created this page to help you find meetings during your stay here. Alcoholic Anonymous groups in Costa Rica vary in size -- you may find groups that only have three or four people, while others are as large as 65. We will always be glad to see you! A few of our groups may welcome members from other Twelve Step Programs (in those areas where the groups are small), but the majority are pure AA, and we try to keep the focus the AA Program of recovery. If you get to a meeting on time, and no one is there yet, please just relax and wait a bit. If you find yourself in a crisis where a drink sounds like a good idea, please do not hesitate to call one of us on the contact list. Your sobriety matters to us. In the meantime, enjoy your travels, and remember: Easy Does It! Especially in Costa Rica!
The Responsibility Pledge
I am Responsible.
When Anyone, Anywhere
Reaches Out For Help,
I Want The Hand Of A.A.
Always To Be There.
And For That,
I Am Responsible !